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Thursday, September 3, 2015

All About A Secret Manipulator Hidden In Television Show

By Daphne Bowen

It is no secret that the media is one of the biggest influences of people these days. Behind every show that one can see on TV, there is actually a secret manipulator hidden in television show that comes in the form of characters and their interaction with the other characters. This is actually true for all kinds of things that would appear on TV like reality shows or series.

Now according to Herbert Krugman, usually people who would watch TV will use more of their right brain as compared to their left brain. Now just for those who do not know, the left brain is the part of the brain used for logical reasoning while the right brain is used for emotional responses. So if one would use the right brain when watching TV, then obviously he will create illogical and emotional responses.

This stems out from the fact that people who watch TV shows are more inclined to want to relax and not analyze too much about what they are watching. This then forces the brain to shift from the left hemisphere to the right hemisphere in a split second as the brain is more relaxed during this shift. It is because of this that people are actually drawn to watching certain shows because these shows can evoke emotional responses that appeal to the viewers.

Now to look deeper in this topic, it is best to examine the marketing concept known as target market or target segmentation. This simply means that certain shows are targeted to certain people because these shows will only appeal to certain groups of people and not others. It is because of this that there are so many genres of shows like drama, action, or fantasy.

Now the whole purpose of a show is to make sure that there are a lot of viewers who are actually following it. Now with this in mind, one may ask himself how come there are shows that are so addictive. Now this would actually be because of the script that was written for the show because no one will watch something that has a bad plot or story line.

Of course the one who would come up with the story plot would be the scriptwriters which means they are the core manipulators. They are the ones who are also the ones responsible for writing the dialogues between the characters which is another factor that would appeal to the viewers. Now they can add any type of subliminal message on the script that the director will bring to life for the viewers to ingest.

Now the same principle would also apply to reality shows too. Reality shows become interesting when the story flow is also interesting and when it relates to the viewers. Pretty much it also shows how normal people can be on TV.

So to sum it all up, it can be said that television actually captures the inner desires of the viewers. Bringing them to another world is the goal of the director as it will make them want to become immersed in the shoes of each character. This is one of the core principles of manipulation.

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