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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Rock Bands Actually Have High Price Of Touring

By Cornelius Nunev

Next time one thinks tickets to a concert tour show are too much, consider what the expenses of touring are. Groups virtually go bankrupt taking their show on the road, which is something that must give one pause next time they consider illegally downloading songs.

Price of touring makes rock and roll hard existing

Most groups or artists do not have enough cash to cover a tour. You imagine a tour for a musician to have a lot of cash with a lot of partying and tour busses. Unfortunately, that is not the case for all.

If you were touring, you would expect to make more than $1,500 a month in a record deal opening for some pretty large bands. Unfortunately, that was incorrect for Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione in The Dresden Dolls. They had a record deal and never made more than that, according to a 2007 NPR interview.

Supposing they tour regularly, they will make $18,000 a year.

They were given $1 of every CD sold as well, so they may make some cash on CD sales.

Slowly gets better

Shane Blay, a member of the band Oh, Sleeper, a metalcore band that's been around for a number of years, posted prices of touring during a typical day on the road, on MetalInjection. Bands, he claims, basically make cash on tour from guaranties, a fee for playing which differs by venue, and selling products like T-shirts and so forth. What he'd noticed was that an average for a "mid-level" group like his was $300 per each category, an income of $600 per night.

Bands pay to print shirts. He reported $7.50 per shirt, which they sell usually at $15 per, meaning its half the price. So of that $300, $150 is already gone. Venues typically charge a 25 percent commission, $75, and the band's manager receives a 15 percent cut of the profits, or $11.25, meaning the band makes $63.75 from $300 in product sales. From guaranties go, 15 percent off the top goes to the band's manager and 10 percent goes to their booking agent, who arranges tour dates. That leaves $225 per night, before paying travel expenses, which he quotes around $150 just in gasoline between gigs, leaving $75. Then, after a $10 per day food spending budget for all five band members plus their merchandise seller, $60, which leaves $15. In total, that's $78.75 per night.

Divided six ways, that's $13.12 per night, per band member. That does not include whether or not their van breaks down or if they have to stay in a hotel or go to a doctor.

Stars get extra cash

The Daily Mail explained that the best way to make cash while touring is to be big enough that enough tickets will sell to make the extra cash. Roger Waters toured in 2010 which made about $90 million. The costs were only $60 million, which means he made a lot of additional cash.

Being an artist means you will struggle a lot. According to NBC News, the 2008 gasoline price increases made it so most bands had to end tours since they could not pay the additional cost for gas.

And just in case one could be wondering, yes, it DOES hurt the band when a person downloads music for free.


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