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Friday, April 3, 2015

Find The Best Oil Portrait Artist In Nyc

By Iva Cannon

So many people are finding that painting is a way to relax and a means of understanding of whom they are. It is a form of expression and many go on to become well known. There is more than one oil portrait artist in NYC that has began this exact way.

One artist is Marvin Mattelson who has been in the business for over forty years. He prides himself on the ability to demonstrate his craftsmanship bringing his subjects to life and also being able to reveal each ones true character. He is guaranteed to create a unique and exceptional work of art.

Many say that starting with the hair is the easiest. For the darker tones there is a combination of sienna, cadmium orange, crimson and viridian. For the lighter areas white, yellow ochre, viridian as well as cadium red and permanent green is used. In order to eliminate a yellow or blue tint to blond hair a purple-ish tint is mixed up.

He is also an associate of the faculty at the School of Visual Arts in New York and has held that position for over thirty five years. Painters of portraits seek him out from all around the world in order to obtain his expertise. Being able to attend his workshops and classes is an opportunity that many try desperately to attend.

In 1987 Nanette graduated and went on to get her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from The School of Visual Arts. For her exceptional achievement she received the Rhodes Family Award. While there she met John F. Murray who later became her mentor. He taught her how to paint, refine her picture making and drawing skills and under his guidance she painted replicas of Van Dyke, Rembrandt as well as Velazquez and LeBrun.

The advantage of having slow drying paints is that the artist has a chance to make corrections or changes. The disadvantage is that it can take as long as a few months or even years to be completed. They do however have the ability to blend very well with other colors making details such as shadows and light possible. Many artists take advantage of using different thinning agents so that the portrait can be done in layers.

Each step of his demonstration will be explained in detail and in the end each person will be able to create an accurate drawing as well as being able to create an ambiance. He will show each one how to develop a reality to the portraits. Each of his classes will be a one on one with the students ensuring that correct techniques can be used and applied.

His students that have previously learned from him say that he enjoys seeing each individual person progress and is very selfless when it comes to sharing his knowledge. He has the ability to take a beginner and make them into an experienced artist with just one class. Marvin has the ability to explain color, light and form so that it makes perfect sense.

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