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Sunday, May 5, 2019

For A Good Exotic Pomeranian Puppy Tulsa Offers A Recommendable Destination

By Andrew Lewis

Today, there are very many dogs that can be classified in the toy category and one of them is the Pomeranian. This breed is purebred and only toy versions exist. They are named after the Pomeranian region in Northern Europe. Other names that are used to refer to these dogs are poms or pom poms. They are moderately popular in the United States. When in need of an exotic pomeranian puppy Tulsa should be visited.

There is a total of 23 color combinations in which poms are available. All the 23 color combinations are acceptable by the AKC. Among the color combinations are white, orange, chocolate, black, sable and beaver. The AKC accepts various combinations of the aforementioned colors. However, the AKC does not allow strips and spots in the breed. Strips and spots are considered to be a fault in conformity.

Blue poms are among the most common Pomeranians. Hearing the name blue poms makes some people to think that the dogs are blue-coated. That is not the case because the name blue refers to the fact that the dogs have blue noses and not coats. Blue poms generally have dull black coast and a little blue on their noses. Blue poms may also have blue eyes.

As poms age, the color of their coat tends to change. The puppies do not retain the color they were born with, but instead the coat changes in color with age. A new born puppy that has a cream coat may for example end up being white or brown in color when it is full grown.

The breed has had some very popular owners. There are very many celebrities, artists, presidents, and even queens who have owned these animals and contributed to their great popularity. Artists such as Mozart and Michelangelo are some of the most remarkable lovers of poms. Queen Victoria also owned a pom named Marco, which she acquired in 1888. The acquisition of the pom by the Queen greatly contributed to its popularity in Europe and the whole world.

Pomeranians have also been owned by a number of presidents of the US and other presidents from other countries. These dogs are very remarkable such that during the titanic tragedy, two Pomeranians survived the tragedy. There were nine dogs onboard the vessel and only three managed to survive. Of the three surviving dogs two of them were poms.

Although poms are descendants of big sled dogs, the modern versions are very small in size. Their ancestors were used to herd reindeer before they were crossbred with other breeds to produce poms. Queen Victoria of England played a big role in breeding poms into their small size. A typical pom will weigh between 7 and 10 pounds.

Poms show courage despite the fact that they are very small in size. They display no fear for bigger breeds and if one does not supervise interactions, they may end up in fights with big dogs. It becomes hard for poms to interact with other pets or dogs if they are not socialized appropriately. Thus, socialization should occur earliest so as to rid this problem.

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