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Sunday, February 15, 2015

How Proper Behavior Should Be Shown During Plays

By Katina Brady

Some people want to go to theaters and watch the awesome performances of certain actors. They usually spend some money for the tickets. These tickets may cost a lot.

During these shows, proper behavior should also be displayed by the attendees. Quiet and serious plays in Phoenix AZ are famous. For this, the following behaviors should be observed the residents of Phoenix, AZ.

The individuals should be appropriately dressed for the events. Gowns or tuxedos are not needed to be worn, though. Certain dress codes do not need to be followed. They just need to ensure that they could be appropriately dressed for these occasions. Baths should be taken so that their bad body odors will not be smelled by their seat mates. Warm clothes should also be worn by the individuals since the air conditioning units in the theaters are usually very cold.

These shows typically take place during the nights. For this, the persons should eat their dinners first before they attend these events. They should not bring hamburgers or buckets of chicken inside the theaters since these foods will only disturb those people who want to concentrate on the shows. They should try not to munch on chips as they can also make noises.

They must speak in hushed voices once these theaters are being entered into. Shouts and joking around are discouraged since these events are not concerts. Seats are assigned by some theaters to the attendees. Their seats should be quietly looked for and taken by the persons. If they will sit on the edges, other people should be allowed to pass for the middle seats to be taken by them.

If he has a cough and needs to be consuming candies or lozenges, he should be unwrapping them beforehand. The wrappers are typically causing noises and almost all people could be hearing these noises especially in quiet moments. The person should not be discussing the story with others especially while the show is going on.

The attendees should also turn their cellphones off. This way, they will not disturb other people when they will receive calls. These people can hear their ring tones and may disrupt the performances. They should also not send or read text messages during the performances. Typically, the theaters have dim lighting since all lights will focus on the actors on stage. Everybody will certainly see the screen lights.

Most of the time, songs known by the attendees will be sung by the actors. However, they must not sing along unless they are prompted to join by the actors. Money is typically spent by most attendees for these tickets to be paid so that the awesome voices of their favorite professionals can be heard.

They must not fall asleep during these shows, especially on quiet moments. This way, the efforts of these actors can be respected and they will not be insulted. Others can be disturbed by their snores. The spaces of seat mates should also be respected and their elbow rests should not be occupied. Their elbows must be kept on their own armrests.

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