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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Residents Might Consider A Variety Of Talented Magicians In Houston For Kids Parties

By Annabelle Holman

When a person is organizing a party for children, finding suitable entertainment could be challenging. Fun performances that inspire the imagination are generally enjoyed by young males and females. Some girls and boys prefer to watch live entertainers who dance and sing, while other little ones request clowns. Jugglers and acrobats might also be hired for parties for young ones.

One type of performer seems to be ever popular among children. Magicians have been employed as entertainers for children for decades, and they can still be seen at a great number of events for children. Magic is a form of entertainment that most boys and girls appreciate, because it creates a sense of mystery that can stimulate the imagination of almost anyone. A good magic trick can captivate an entire audience, especially if it is implemented properly. Residents might find many talented magicians in Houston for kids.

Playing cards are used in a wide range of tricks. One trick involves a magician tossing playing cards at a closed window. After the magician has tossed them, the cards look as though they have been glued to the outdoor part of the window pane. Kids may wonder for hours or days about how this trick was actually implemented. Cards might also appear to float in the air, or to disappear from the hands of the magician.

Levitation illusions may be enjoyed by countless people. A magician might appear to be floating several inches over the ground, in one trick. Another illusion might involve an object, a person, or an animal that looks like it is floating. The magician could create an illusion that a pen is floating over the stage. An assistant may appear to float at a certain angle above the stage.

Disappearance tricks are popular, as well. A disappearance illusion might involve an assistant who is asked to enter a box. The box may be placed in a position that is horizontal, or it could be standing in a vertical position. The assistant either crawls inside the box if it is horizontal, or stands inside the vertical box. The door to the box is then closed, and the magician may speak with the audience for a few moments. Then, the magician opens the door, and the assistant appears to be missing from the box. This kind of trick generally ends with the reappearance of the assistant.

Instead of using people for vanishing acts, many magicians prefer to utilize animals and objects. A magician might appear to produce a monkey from inside of a hat. After a moment or two, the monkey might go back into the hat and seem to disappear. Objects that may be utilized for such illusions could include ribbons, balls, shoes, or books.

The trick that involves the illusion of a human being sawed into two pieces is often one that captivates people. To do this trick, a magician generally uses a saw or knife. The magician appears to cut an assistant or member of the audience in half, and then the audience can see that the person is whole again.

A great entertainer can help to make a party successful. Children typically adore magic tricks. Residents might choose from a variety of magicians in Houston, TX.

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