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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Famous Short Poems Hiking Themes

By Christa Jarvis

Poetry is human life set to rhythm, so everything is subject matter. Nothing inspires people more than nature, unless it's love. Famous poets strike chords in every heart with the beauty of their expression, and many of them write short poems hiking theme. There are also online poems which are fun to read and to write. The internet has opened up a way for all to share their feelings and impressions with others.

A hike is more than a walk. People walk for exercise, sometimes on a treadmill. They walk because their doctor or personal trainer tells them to: walk around the block, walk at lunchtime to get desk-cramped muscles freed up, set goals and keep mileage logs. They climb the stairs on rainy days, or go to the mall and make the circuit.

Leaving the pavement behind is a good feeling. Research shows that connecting with nature is rejuvenating, even if 'nature' is in the form of a potted plant. A series of wooded inclines is going to do much, much more in terms of stress reduction, restoring tranquility, and regaining perspective. Serious hikers go for the Appalachian Trail, but there's a lot of scenery less difficult to reach.

There's no doubt that scenery is one of the main rewards. Everyone who has hiked through endless miles of trees to reach a summit and looked out over several counties will appreciate Gerard Manley Hopkins. This Victorian poet and priest celebrated the 'dappled things' of nature. Sunlight falling through treetops, brightly-colored fungi on fallen logs, clouds against a blue sky, and the sparkle of moving water thrill the soul, and Hopkins says it best.

Stephen Crane, who wrote 'The Red Badge Of Courage', also wrote poetry. He speaks of 'the march of the mountains', an idea familiar to anyone who has seen the misty Blue Ridge or the clear-cut Rockies spread out in majesty. Robert Frost is famous for his poetry about life in the New England countryside. He wrote a poem called 'The Mountain', which has an Old World flavor and will evoke vivid pictures in the mind's eye of any reader who hikes.

A beautiful and unique voice of American poetry came from Massachusetts, where Emily Dickinson lived as a recluse. Her poetry shows that she found an absorbing world in the wooded glades around her home. Many of her poems concern bees; searching that keyword will give hikers an idea of what Emily found on her hikes through the woods.

The memories of the trail reawaken while hikers sit at home in cozy chairs, reading great poetry. A hike is an adventure, a breaking-away from daily routine and entering another world where humans are small in scale and importance. However, the activity is significant in a way that mowing the grass or watching afternoon football will never be.

Every hiker has emotional reactions to venturing into unspoiled natural places. If they can write them down and work them into poetry, their perspective can enrich the lives of others and promote a feeling of fellowship within the community of people who understand.

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