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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Aspects Of The Power Of Soul

By Dorthy Lloyd

There are ten powers of soul which stem from the sefirot which are ten too. These powers have names matching the sefirot. The personality is articulated and revealed though its commands which are encompassing powers and the particular powers. The encompassing ones are called will and delight conforming to keter outer and inner dimensions above mentioned. The particular powers are categorized into intelligence and emotions. The three intellect powers are bina, daat and chochma. Below is a discussion about the power of soul.

Chochma refers to the innovative and usually hard to predict souls power. Its manifestation is in spontaneous inspiration and insights. This is an intellectual illumination or intuitive flash yet to be developed and processed through the understanding supremacy of bina. Bina which is translated to refer to understanding is cognitive faculty which articulates and develops the chochma seminal energy for it to become known in a way that is detailed and conceptual.

Daat is the capacity to harmonize and integrate completely opposing views. Daat plays two roles. One is binding together bina and chochma powers and two is acting as a go between the divergent domains of emotional and intellect soul attributes.

Love and kindness is a first emotional aspect of a soul. It is geared by the forces of love and compassion. It actually makes all the other attributes to grow and develop to their full maturity levels. Tiferet is that attribute of truth which blends and makes the opposite attributes of love and largesse to blend. The aspects of truth depend on the merit given to the recipient. It works well with other attributes of love and kindness. Together they make the attribute of mercy.

Gevura is tied to din force and confines expansiveness of chesed on its benevolence. It also represents fear as an emotional attribute. Whereas chesed fosters generous and unconditional giving not taking into account worthiness of the person receiving the act of goodness, gevura debates that this should not be the case for fear that the recipient may misuse what they receive or are not earnest to receive it. On the same note, the receiver credibility is judged in relation to their degree of merit.

Netzach got several meanings denoting the different specs inside the soul. It infers orchestration, eternity and victory. Common to all this aspects is persistence and initiative sense necessary to overrule resistance encountered in bringing feeling and thought to positive action. Victory implies initiative, eternity indicates persistence while orchestration implies an innovative plan to dispatch the other qualities intelligently.

Hod which means surrender complements netzach. Where netzach surges forward to overcome the obstacles between the receiver and the benevolence to be extended, hod works to warrant the success the recipient gets is centered on acknowledging that there exist a divine source behind the power and potency. Hod thus stands for genuineness and innocence. Zohar terms the relationship this two have as two parts of a single body, like twins.

Yesod is the attribute that bring into a combination all qualities preceding it into one creative act uniting the recipient and giver as a unit. It also represents tzadik whom was said to be the world foundation. Malchut is the last attribute which stands for reception of the sovereignty of God yoke upon oneself.

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