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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Anyone Can Use Inspirational Poems For Kids

By Freida Michael

What makes a poem inspirational in the first place is that it is not just trying to be aesthetic. It has to effect some feeling of depth or centering in the reader. That change can be spiritual but doesn't have to be. The uplift can be simply emotional as well. Some are general contemplations built to create pockets of silence in which to get away from everyday business and consider deeper matters. Inspirational poems for kids serve many purposes.

It's our good fortune that so much of this poetry is available both hardbound and free online. A collection of stirring verse makes a marvelous gift. However, the most common use for inspirational poetry is at special moments, typically one specially selected poem. They're never unwelcome, and if chosen with taste, they might inspire a fuller love of poetry.

Stirring poetry can be a soothing gift to a child taken to bed sick for a few days. It's nice to write a bit of uplifting verse inside a Get Well card. Send one in an email when away at work. They're good for other situations too, such as offering consolation after any sort of disappointment, or offering encouragement on the eve of the big test.

If one is up to a little memorization, they can be used conversationally, as a crutch when conversation might be a little awkward. Not everyone is naturally good with kids. Fortunately, some poetry still rhymes, and there are forms as short as haiku, and forms shorter still.

Inspiring poetry and holy scripture are not the same thing for most people. To both religious and nonreligious people, the difference matters, though not for the same reasons. Verse may not be appreciated the same way the faithful appreciate holy books.

The general principle is that a poem is an account of individuals seeking the good graces of the divinity who guides them. The voice might be that of a sinful or less cultivated person. The poem itself is the witness of another travelling roughly the same path as oneself.

This might be of help to parents who are concerned that the poems may not reflect their particular religious dogma. Outsiders might scoff, but this can be of concern for more orthodox families. For them, so long as care is taken and the rights distinctions made, secular poems can play an important part in rounding out a youngster's spiritual life.

For atheists, agnostics, and all those who are "spiritual but not religious, " inspirational verse can serve perhaps an even greater function. Remembering that some of this poetry ranks among the greatest ever written, it can sit a young person still and assist his or her contemplation of this cosmos, as well as of his or her own character. Such poetry can help a young person's exposure to the world of the religions and philosophies, but without the constricting dogmas. They can even be used as the textual basis for a symposium or meeting group. Poetry that uplifts the heart will always have a place in the reflective life.

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