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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Benefiting From A Therapeutic Sound Project

By Jaclyn Hurley

A therapeutic sound project is a form of bio-therapy. People trained in the use of music as a tool to help people gain balance in their lives offer an alternative path to health. Rather than using pharmaceutical drugs, invasive treatments like shock therapy, or hypnosis, practitioners use music or other resonant sounds to gently uplift a patient's emotional state.

The emotional state of a person has a profound effect on physical health and overall quality of life. This fact is familiar to most of us. We're told that a positive attitude can win friends and influence people and that laughter is good for us. Social interaction is important; married people live longer, children do best in whole families with both mother and father, and those who are active members of a community report more happiness.

There are different kinds of resonance. Scientists know that humans, animals, and even plants respond to external vibrations. Sound therapy is based on the belief that everything has its own frequency, its own resonance. Atoms are in constant motion, colliding and moving closer and farther away from each other. Physicists say that this movement is the basis of all energy. Biofeedback tracks pulse, heartbeat, brain waves, voice patterns, and other indications of responses on the emotional, mental, and physical level.

This fascinating subject appeals to traditional customs and common sense, even if the technical terms and discoveries seem confusing. Almost everyone knows that a lullaby will soothe a child and send it off to sleep better than a pounding drum or a lively tune. People naturally move to a strong rhythm, tapping their feet or their fingers, while the sound of running water or sighing waves promotes relaxation.

Some conditions that are commonly treated are mood disorders in adolescents, learning and focusing difficulties in children, despondency in stroke or cancer victims who are physically impaired, and depression. People under stress - teenagers trying to cope with hormonal changes and peer pressure, the seriously ill, people who feel they cannot cope with life's demands - often suffer declines in health and total well-being.

It is common for a person who does not socialize well to find that playing a musical instrument offers both engagement and an outlet for deep emotions. Others may find release in dance or movement, in singing, in chanting, or in relaxation therapy. The elderly respond so well to music that this therapy is now often covered by insurance plans.

Music therapy is only one way to use resonance and response. Chanting, singing, dancing, and exposure to low-frequency vibrations have benefits. There are all sorts of applications for resonance, from diagnosis to treatment. Therapists work from the viewpoint that each individual has a unique frequency, so programs must be tailored to precise needs and goals.

In seeking a therapist in the city nearest you, you will want to check credentials and look for references just as you would for any other health adviser or medical doctor. Researching the subject online can also help you evaluate programs you find.

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