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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Guide To The New Anime Trailers

By Leslie Ball

People on the street, in stores, clubs and just about anywhere wearing strange clothes and arty hairstyles aren't aliens from another planet; they may just be ordinary people indulging in cosplay is a portmanteau of the words "costume" and "play." Cosplay is a rapidly-growing pastime. It originated in Japan and the Far East but is spreading all over the world. Characters are often based on new anime trailers. There are more than 430 studios around the world producing this material. Big names include the likes of Gainax, Toei Animation, and Studio Ghibli.

Anime is a form of cartoon animation based on hand-drawn or computerized images. It is an abbreviation of the Japanese word for animation and is pronounced, "any-may, " with emphasis on the second syllable. The genre is characterized by intense graphics, deep characters and highly imaginative plot lines.

Osamu Tezuka (1928-1989), the godfather of the genre, is regarded as Japan's answer to Walt Disney. Tezuka was, in fact, largely inspired by Walt Disney, although it may be difficult to see a an obvious correlation between "Sleeping Beauty" and "Astro Boy." Tezuka's profound influence in Japan is illustrated by the fact that, eight years after he died in 1989 of stomach cancer, stamps were issued in his honor.

Tezuka's stories were frequently based on literature and films of the west. He was also a prolific contributor to the world of manga, a category of Japanese comic books/graphic novels. No matter how old you are in Japan, you read manga. The art encompasses numerous sub-categories, from comedy and romance to the darker worlds of horror and sexuality.

Tezuka also produced 13 experimental films, including "Tale of Street Corner" and "The Genesis." Produced in black and white and directed by John Houston, "The Genesis" tells the story of the Creation, with a different slant from what we read in the Bible. While most of Tezuka's work was aimed at children, he did produce some output for adults, specifically, "Cleopatra, Queen of Sex." Sex and violence are a lot of fun for anime and manga artists, as there is a lot more leeway in terms of what they can get away with graphically, as opposed to the medium of film using live actors.

Manga has been a mainstay of the Japanese publishing industry since the middle of the 20th century. To enable the introduction of manga to the international market, a lot of it is translated into English. In the U. S. And Canada alone, the market for manga was valued at $175,000,000 in 2008. There is a stream of manga that has been originally written in languages apart from Japanese; these are referred to as anime-influenced animation, saving the unadulterated term for work that originates in Japanese.

The style of animation in these videos is different from the conventional western cartoon in that the movement of the characters isn't fluid, as if in a hand-drawn film. Instead, the medium relies on fewer, more intensely-drawn, frames. Top titles from 2014 include, "Witch Craft Works, " "Nobunaga the Fool, " "Space Dandy, " and "Noragami."

All three art forms, cosplay, Anime and Manga have a basis in Japanese. All three are sweeping the rest of the globe. Not bad, considering the west gave them "Friends, " McDonalds and Justin Bieber!

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